Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One step (figuratively) at a time...

Just a quick update...so after 2 visits to physiotherapy I have managed to bend my leg 70 degrees...apparently that is pretty good!  I am embarrassed and a bit startled by how quickly I lost muscle...to the point that I couldn't make myself able to lift my heel off the table...I literally was turning red with exertion and for whatever reason my leg acted like it didn't have anything below the knee!  After several attempts she lifted my leg up for me and told me to hold it there....then it was like the muscle woke up and said, 'oh this is what I'm supposed to do!'.  Pathetic LOL!  I will tell no lies - I'm sore like I did a full-on training at the gym now.  That's good though....sore muscles are muscles that are learning to work again!  I will try and video my stretching 'homework'.  It must look hilarious!  I am lying on my belly with a strap around foot leading over my shoulder for me to pull on to assist stretching out the quad muscle!  I felt like giggling while doing it there but thought I should attempt to appear serious while in my head I'm picturing a beached whale trying to do a back bend :-P 

Anyway, on a more serious note, my son asked me if I was trying to gain back all my weight and tsk'ed tsk'ed me after catching me eating ice cream...ok actually polishing off the balance of the litre of President's Choice PB&J I bought.  It wasn't that I was caught, in fact he knew I'd bought it for myself, it was the very ADULT concern in his voice when he said it which was like a sharp slap to the face for me.  I am repentant.  Tomorrow dawns a new day of Poon-worthy meals and NO MORE STUPID EMPTY CARBS.  I am now on the road to recovery and need my body able to recover as quickly as possible and carting around extra fat is not an option.  The End.

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