Thursday, January 21, 2010

En Français

Pepé Le Pew. 

Almost all of the french that I remember I learned from him.  Years and years of french classes in school (joyously abandoned in 10th grade) and you'd think I'd remember something more than;  "bonjour, mon nom est Chandler."  "Où est la salle de bains ?" "une pomme de terre avec du beurre." "excusez-moi ?"

I can still watch the cartoons and understand everything without subtitles!  This I've been able to do since before I was forced to take french lessons!

So I say, what's the harm in letting the kiddies watch cartoons?  Now adays it is Diego and Dora teaching Spanish and Kai-Lan teaching Chinese!  Maybe if school language classes were a little more cartoon-like we'd all be multi-lingual now! LOL!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

OMG...A 'Silence of the Lambs' Moment

Just a quick one...The Boy is just so hillarious I had to write this down before forgetting it!

He's all ready for bed and comes into my room to inform me of this news bulletin.  I notice he's doing the usual boy thing and tugging away at 'his privacy' so I said "what are  you doing that for?"  He then proceeds to 'tuck his junk' back between his legs, laughing all the while.  Of course I said stop doing that you'll hurt yourself or something to that effect when he says....

"Mummy, my weiner is getting BOLD, you know when it gets all big and the wrinkles come out?  It's bugging me so if I push it back like this it will go back to being floppy and wrinkly again so that it stops bugging me!"

BOLD??  Is that what the kids call it now??

Needless to say, I peed my pants laughing.

Mental vs True Age

I'm in my unless I have illusions of living to 90 (I don't) then I'm actually past middle-aged and on the slippery slope down to just plain OLD...

My son is almost 8 now and we enjoy many of the same things...watching kid shows, playing our DS and Wii and PS3, board games, farting, etc.  The usual stuff.  Mentally I'm an 8 year old boy...hmmmm

Physically I'm around 60.  Seriously.  Arthritis in knees, bursitis in hips, high cholesterol, low thyroid, overweight and hating how I've fallen apart in the last 5 years.  I can't put a finger on when it started happening, coughcoughturning40coughcough, but I feel helpless to slow it down. 

Honestly if it wasn't for The Boy keeping me mentally young I think I would have just crawled into bed for a perma-sleep to escape the aches and pains.

Anyway, enough about that!  What I lack in the physical participation of being 8 I totally OWN in the mental.  I'm the only mom I know who has the same DS games as her son.  I can not only identify Pokemon by sight, but can tell you their attributes and evolutions!   I know that Fridays after school until bedtime on the kid's station is all super hero shows and follow the stories like they're soap operas.  And best, I remember how utterly hillarious bodily functions sound and still enjoy 'blaming the dog' for a good smelly fart.

If that's what it takes to stay young at heart....then call me mental...I'll gladly take it.