Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mental vs True Age

I'm in my unless I have illusions of living to 90 (I don't) then I'm actually past middle-aged and on the slippery slope down to just plain OLD...

My son is almost 8 now and we enjoy many of the same things...watching kid shows, playing our DS and Wii and PS3, board games, farting, etc.  The usual stuff.  Mentally I'm an 8 year old boy...hmmmm

Physically I'm around 60.  Seriously.  Arthritis in knees, bursitis in hips, high cholesterol, low thyroid, overweight and hating how I've fallen apart in the last 5 years.  I can't put a finger on when it started happening, coughcoughturning40coughcough, but I feel helpless to slow it down. 

Honestly if it wasn't for The Boy keeping me mentally young I think I would have just crawled into bed for a perma-sleep to escape the aches and pains.

Anyway, enough about that!  What I lack in the physical participation of being 8 I totally OWN in the mental.  I'm the only mom I know who has the same DS games as her son.  I can not only identify Pokemon by sight, but can tell you their attributes and evolutions!   I know that Fridays after school until bedtime on the kid's station is all super hero shows and follow the stories like they're soap operas.  And best, I remember how utterly hillarious bodily functions sound and still enjoy 'blaming the dog' for a good smelly fart.

If that's what it takes to stay young at heart....then call me mental...I'll gladly take it.

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