Friday, February 5, 2010


I want to know how we survived being sick as children?  Seriously, my almost 8 year old has been off school for the past 3 days, and if it wasn't for my personal saviour, Nintendo, I think things could have gotten ugly!

Thinking back, when I was home sick I was confined to my bedroom with no TV, computer, video games, ipods, etc.  It was just me, my stuffed toys, perhaps a few books and a box of tissues.  I could not wait to get better and get out of my room!  I honestly don't know how my mum kept her sanity with nothing to distract the sick child.  ('mummy I'm thirsty', 'mummy I'm bored')  I'm sure if there was anything else except soap operas on during the day I would have had access to TV, however, back then there was no 24 hour cartoon channels, and no VCR's or DVD's to watch movies.

Without the lovely Nintendo DS and the Wii I would have lost my mind on the first day! LOL!  So I send my heartfelt thanks to the Nintendo company for keeping my sick child happy while he recovered from his cold!

PS - on further thought, the cough and cold medicines back in my day were 90% alcohol and I'm sure I was passed out most of the time so that my mum could survive being stuck at home with a sick child!